Natalia Romanciuc

He was in love with Eve


25.04.2024 — 02.06.2024

It all started with a love story. It started at the beginning of times with the love between God and Eve. Indeed, the world and love came into being at once. And the times were good then, as long as God was not a frowning presence, but a loving one. Until Eve and Adam discovered free will. The freedom to make mistakes.   This is the story that Natalia Romanciuc proposes here: an Edenic and a “fallen” world alike, with all those involved in it. A symbolic world, subtle and intense, tragic and beautiful at the same time, as long as it’s about love. A story – says the title – in the past tense, but always current, always changing.

Natalia Romanciuc talks about all these in a strong, bold painting, skillfully unfolded over large surfaces. Her rough drawings and her concise ceramic objects complement the artist’s pictorial discourse populated by abbreviated human figures, with robust but fragile bodies, formulated in an expressionist key, which also echoes Art brut and Fauvism. Woman is the central character of her scenes: this is the woman par excellence, the matrix woman, the primordial character, but who carries something of all the women of the world, now or ever.   And there’s something else: her visual world, the one made visible by Natalia Romanciuc, is a generous world, but always apparently ungainly: her characters are contorted and cloistered, and thus they seem to seek ways to escape beyond the frame. And out of the same desire, they resort to gestures, words and signs: crosses, hearts, declarations of faith and reflections on self and love. Moreover, the use of the symbol – visual or written – is an important part of Natalia’s artistic strategy, as she handles with knowledge and reverence, but with a fascinating freedom, sometimes even iconoclastic, the Christian and universal hagiographic repertoire, as well as the various legends that surround them. It’s a matter of freedom of understanding them in the first place; of how we can see them, not how they should be seen.   For this is what Natalia Romanciuc’s exhibition is all about: about the possibility of an event, about the (un)plausibility of a love story between God and Eve, between humans and divinity, a scenario about which the artist assumes the freedom to speak seriously, but also playfully, in an art that confirms not only a strong personal touch, but also the desire to search, to colour, to constantly renew her artistic language.  

Curator | Horea Avram

He was in love with Eve

Exhibition Opening

Thursday, March 25, 7:00 p.m.

Kulterra Gallery, str. Știrbei Vodă 104 – 106, sector 1, Bucharest.

Natalia Romanciuc talks about all these in a strong, bold painting, skillfully unfolded over large surfaces. Her rough drawings and her concise ceramic objects complement the artist’s pictorial discourse populated by abbreviated human figures, with robust but fragile bodies, formulated in an expressionist key, which also echoes Art brut and Fauvism. Woman is the central character of her scenes: this is the woman par excellence, the matrix woman, the primordial character, but who carries something of all the women of the world, now or ever.   And there’s something else: her visual world, the one made visible by Natalia Romanciuc, is a generous world, but always apparently ungainly: her characters are contorted and cloistered, and thus they seem to seek ways to escape beyond the frame. And out of the same desire, they resort to gestures, words and signs: crosses, hearts, declarations of faith and reflections on self and love. Moreover, the use of the symbol – visual or written – is an important part of Natalia’s artistic strategy, as she handles with knowledge and reverence, but with a fascinating freedom, sometimes even iconoclastic, the Christian and universal hagiographic repertoire, as well as the various legends that surround them. It’s a matter of freedom of understanding them in the first place; of how we can see them, not how they should be seen.   For this is what Natalia Romanciuc’s exhibition is all about: about the possibility of an event, about the (un)plausibility of a love story between God and Eve, between humans and divinity, a scenario about which the artist assumes the freedom to speak seriously, but also playfully, in an art that confirms not only a strong personal touch, but also the desire to search, to colour, to constantly renew her artistic language.  

Curator | Horea Avram



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